Thursday, January 1, 2009

Take Your New Year's Resolution to Lose Weight and Shove It!

During my third workout today, I finished reading Diary of an Exercise Addict by Peach Friedman.

Fitting, huh?

In her memoir, Friedman describes how she suffers from a combination of anorexia, bulimia, overeating and overexercising. Thankfully, Friedman recovers from her eating disorder, but her struggle to refrain from relapse and accept her body continues.

The book was unsettling because I found myself relating to many of her habits and thoughts. If you're like me, you'll see yourself in this passage:

Many women work out as a way of undoing. They work out to undo what they have eaten, to lose what they have gained. They are persuaded by magazines to "fix your tummy flaws" or "lose twenty pounds by summer," and they develop a pattern of self-loathing that is perpetuated by our culture.

How many times have you found yourself running an extra mile because of those cookies you ate last night?

And how about the time you tried on those jeans you wanted, only to hide in the change room and fight back tears of disgust over your soft muffin top?

Chances are you think about your weight constantly. You think about how your exterior appearance is flawed. You think about how you'd fix it.

And you tell yourself, tomorrow I will start my diet.

I'm the first to admit that I constantly focus on my problem areas instead of accepting and loving those parts of me that are perfect.

With that said, I would like to announce my New Year's resolution: to lose my unhealthy thinking patterns that weigh down my self confidence.

And I will enjoy the journey to the stage as Anita Kus-Roberts, not as someone I'm not supposed to be.

So tell me, do you obsess over your weight? If so, does it get in the way of your normal day-to-day activity?


  1. Do I obsess about the weight, no, but I do obsess about the jelly belly. I also suffered the post competition blues and am now back on the competition wagon. I like your blog, it's nice to hear that I'm not alone out there. I've also realized that a positive attitude is better then a negative outlook on myself. Keep writing, looking forward to your entries.

  2. Hi Anita
    When you say you workout 3times a day, what's the 3 workouts, 2 cardios and a weight training or do you change it up?
    Looking forward to your blogs up to competition
